FIDIC has inducted Dr Ajay Pradhan, President CEAI and Mr Amit Sharma, Governing Council Member CEAI in the FIDIC Global Leadership Forum.

The exclusive Global Leadership Forum brings together some 100 leaders from across the globe to play a key role in helping to address global challenges and creating a united, influential, international voice for the infrastructure industry.

FIDIC announced the formation of the Global Leadership Forum in September 2021 to bring senior influencers and decision makers together from the construction and infrastructure sectors to help address the critical issues we face as a society and an industry and to develop workable solutions to solve them.

The forum provides a powerful global network for leaders to discuss these issues. Through their discussions, deliberations and actions, we will be able to build a solid coalition of support and buyin for what needs to be done to address the key global challenges we face and, crucially, how we collaborate to solve them.

Participants of FIDIC’s Global Leadership Forum are selected based on their prominent knowledge and expertise across the sector.

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